1. What is namespace?
Namespace is a
logical container of types like class, structure, interface, enum and delegate.
We use it for basically two reasons that is
- Grouping of related types or items so that we can access them easily.
- To overcome the problem of naming collision that is multiple types where the same name which can be defined by placing them under different namespaces.
2. What is class?
Class can be defined as a primary building block of oop. It
also serves as a template that describes the property, state and behaviors
common to a particular group of object.
3. What is object?
An object is a basic unit of system and an entity that
stores the actual value of a class. Attributes and behavior of an object are
defined by the class definition. Objects are the member of a class.
4. What is the relationship between a class and
A class act as a blue print that defines the properties,
states and behaviors that are common to a number of objects. An object is an
instance of the class. For example if vehicle is the class than Car, Bus are the
objects of that class. You can create any number of objects for the class.
5. Explain the Features of oops?
The basic features of OOPS are
- Abstraction:- It refers to the process of exposing only the relevant and essential data to the users without showing unnecessary information.
- Polymorphism:- Allows you to use an entity in multiple forms. Changing the behavior of an entity according to the input that is supply to them is also known as polymorphism that is whenever the input changes automatically the output on behavior also changes.
- Encapsulation:- prevents the data from unwanted access by binding of code and data in a single unit called object.
- Inheritance:- According to this property a child class obtains all the features defined in its parent class. It provides the reusability of code and eliminates the use of redundant code.
What is abstract class and abstract method?
An abstract class is a class that cannot instantiated and is
always used as a base class. An abstract class also should be declared using
abstract modifier. Abstract class is never useful to itself because creating an
object of abstract class is not possible. Abstract class is always public and
you must declare at least one abstract method in the abstract class.
class Math
abstract void Add(int x, int y);
Abstract method is without any method body is known as known
as abstract method, which contains only the deceleration of method.
What is interface?
An interface is a template that contains only the signature
of methods. The signature of method contains the number of parameters, the type
of parameter and the order of parameters. An interface has no implementation on its own
because it contains only the definition of methods without any method body. An
interface is defined using the Interface keyword.
What is method?
Method is the building blocks of a class in which they are
linked together to share and process data to produce the result. In other words
a method is a block of code that contains a series of statements and represents
the behavior of a class. While declaring a method you need to specify a access
specifier, the return value, the name of
the method and the method parameters. All these combined together is called
signature of the method.
What is a property?
A property is a way to expose an internal data element of a
class in a simple manner. You can create a property by defining an externally
available name and then writing the set and get property accessors. The get
property accessor is used to return the property value and the set property
accessor is used to assign a new value to the property.
1 What is inheritance and its types.
Inheritance is the process of establishing parent-child relationship
between classes so that the members of one class can be consuming in other
parents members
Types of Inheritance:-
- Single Inheritance:- Contains one base class and one derived class.
- Multiple Inheritance:- Contains several base classes and a derived class.
- Multilevel Inheritance:- Contains a class derived from a derived class.
- Hierarchical Inheritance:- Contains one base class and multiple derived classes of the same base class.
1 What is constructor?
Constructor is a special method of a class which is called
automatically when the instance of a class is created. it is created with the
same name as the class and initializes all class members whenever you access
the class. The main features of a constructor are as follows:
- Constructors do not have any return type.
- Constructors are always public.
- It is not mandatory to declare a constructor it is invoked automatically by .NET framework.
What is destructor?
A destructor is a special method for a class and is invoked
automatically when an object is finally destroyed. The name of the destructor
is also same a s that of the class but is followed by a prefix tilde (~).
Destructor is used to free the dynamic allocated memory and release the
resources. You can however implement a custom method that allows you to control
object destruction by calling the destructor.
Features of Destructor:
- Destructors do not have any return type.
- Similar to constructors, destructors are also always public.
- Destructors cannot be overloaded.
1 Why the virtual keyword is used in the code?
The virtual keyword is used while defining a class to
specify that the method and the properties of that class can be overridden in
derived classes.
1 What is delegate?
A delegate is similar to a class that is used for storing
the reference to a method and invoking that method at run time, as required. A delegate
can hold the reference of only those methods whose signature is same as that of
the delegate. Some of the examples of delegate are type-safe functions,
pointers, callbacks.
public delegate
void AddDel (int x, int y);
public delegate
string SayDel (string name);
void Add(int x, int y)
static string SayHello(string name)
"Hello" + name;
void Main()
obj = new DelegateDemo();
ad = new AddDel(obj.Add);
sd = new Saydel(say Hello);
1 Define an event?
Whenever an action takes place in a class that class
provides a notification to other classes or objects that are assigned to
perform particular tasks. These notifications are called events. An event can
be declared with the help of the event keyword. For example when a button is
clicked the class generates an event called click.
1 What is the syntax for inherit from a class in
When a class is derived from another class then the members
of the base class become the member of the derived class. The assess modifier
used while accessing members of the base class specifies the access status of
the base class members inside the derived class.
MyNewClass : MyBaseClass
1 Can you
declare a private class in a namespace?
The classes in a namespace are internal by default. However
you can explicitly declare them as public only and not as private, protected or
protected internal. The nested classes can be declared as private, protected or
protected internal.
1 Define an array?
An array is defined as a homogeneous collection of elements,
stored at contiguous memory location which can be referred by the same variable
name. All the elements of an array variable can be accessed by index values. An
index value specifies the position of a particular element in an array
variable. The index value of the first element is 0 (Zero).
1 What is collection and generics?
A collection can be defined as a group of related items that
can be referred to as a single unit. The System.Collections namespace provides
you with many classes and interfaces. Some of them are ArrayList, List, Stack,
ICollection, IEnumerable and IDectionary. Generics provide the type safety to your
class at the compile time. While creating a data structure you never need to
specify the data type at the time of declaration. The
System.Collections.Generic namespace contains all the generic collections.
2 What are stack and queues?
Stack refers to a list in which all items are accessed and
processed on the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) basis. In a stack elements are
inserted (push operation) and deleted(pop operation) from the same end called
top. Queues refer to a list in which insertion and deletion of an item is done
on the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) basis. The items in a queue are inserted from
one end called the rear end and are deleted from the other end called front end
of the queue.
2 What are structures?
Structure is a heterogeneous collection of elements
referenced by the same name. A structured is declared using the struct keyword.
The following is an example that creates a structure to store an employee’s
int empId[15];
char name[30];
char addr[50];
char dept[10];
The above example defines a structure emp and the members of
the structure specify the information of an employee.
2 Define enumeration?
Enumeration is defined as a value type that consists of a
set of named values. These values are constants and are called enumerators. An enumeration type is declared using the enum
keyword. Each enumerator is an enumeration is associated with an under laying
type that is set by default, on the enumerator. The following is an example
that creates an enumeration to store different varieties of fruits:
Fruits {Mango, Apple, Orange, Guava};
In the above example an enumeration Fruits is created where
number 0 is associated with Mango, number 1 is with Apple, number 2 is with
Orange and number 3 is with Guava. You can access the enumerators of an enumeration
by these values.
2 What is hash table?
Hash table is a data structure that implements the
IDictionary interface. It is used to store multiple items and each of these
items is associated with a unique string key. Each item can be accessed using
the key associated with it. In short hash table is an object holding the
key-value pairs.
2 What is the function of Try-Catch-Finally block?
The try block encloses those statements that can cause
exception and the catch block handles the exception, if it occurs. Catch block
contains the statements that have to be executed, when an exception occurs. The
finally block always executes, irrespective of the fact whether or not an
exception has occurred. The finally block is generally used to perform the
cleanup process. If any exception occurs in the try block the program control
directly transfers to its corresponding catch block and later to the finally
block. If no exception occurs inside the try block then the program control
transfers directly to the finally block.
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